Favorite FanFiction -- Part 2

FanFics 1-10 FanFics 11-20 FanFics 21-30 FanFics 31-40

Title: Dear Elegos (can be found at Kelly's page, look at "Stories")

Author: Kelly Grosskreutz

Timeperiod: after "Ruin" (ca. 26 ABY)

Main characters: Corran

Rating: none given

Type: canon, letters

Spoilers: heavy spoilers for "Ruin"

Summary: Corran tries to sort out his feelings and reflects on his life in a series of letters to one of his dearest friends. Major Ruin spoilers.

Length: short

Title: Moving Target (can be found at WEB, look at "WEBfanfic", and at adultfanfiction.net, look in the Star Wars section of the site)

Author: Jenn

Timeperiod: ca. 5.8 ABY

Main characters: Tycho

Rating: PG

Type: canon

Spoilers: none

Summary: "This story takes place in the period of time between the X-wing comic "Mandatory Retirement" and X-wing book "Rogue Squadron". I kept waiting for the story of Tycho's capture, imprisonment & escape to be written by the pro authors, and since it hasn't, the gears in my brain started spinning. This is the result."

Length: long (still in progress)

Title: Snapped Out of His Terror (can be found at Wookieehut, look at "Stories&Things" )

Author: Diana DeRiggs & Csillag

Timeperiod: ca. 1 BBY

Main characters: Biggs, Hobbie, Fel

Rating: PG

Type: canon

Spoilers: none

Summary: [A horrible discovery makes Biggs turn Rebel.]

Length: short

Title: Found, and Lost (can be found at Wookieehut, look at "Stories&Things" )

Author: Diana DeRiggs

Timeperiod: immediately after "Mandatory Retirement" (ca. 4.6 ABY)

Main characters: Wedge, Reina Faleur

Rating: NC-17

Type: canon

Spoilers: MR

Summary: [A person from Reina's past reappears...]

Length: medium

Title: A Tale of Wes and Wedge (can be found at Julia's page)

Author: Julia Andersen

Timeperiod: ca. 1 ABY

Main characters: Wedge, Wes, Luke, Hobbie, Tycho, Han

Rating: none given

Type: canon

Spoilers: none

Summary: [Wes is playing pranks.]

Length: medium

Title: The Flip Side (can be found at Julia's page)

Author: Julia Andersen

Timeperiod: ca. 106 ABY

Main characters: Wedge, Tycho

Rating: none given

Type: canon

Spoilers: none

Summary: Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu have one last adventure.

Length: medium

Title: A Small Change of Plans (to go to the WAAS main page, please click here)

Author: Varghona

Timeperiod: immeditely after the end of "The Empire Strikes Back" (ca. 3 ABY)

Main characters: Luke, Wedge

Rating: PG-13

Type: slash (nothing explicit)

Spoilers: none

Summary: Wedge confronts Luke about his failure to rendezvous after the Battle of Hoth.

Length: short

Title: Man's Best Friend (to go to the WAAS main page, please click here)

Author: Varghona

Timeperiod: during "Starfighters of Adumar" (12/13 ABY)

Main characters: Wes, Wedge

Rating: R

Type: slash

Spoilers: for SoA

Summary: Wes Janson's long dark night of the soul.

Length: short

Title: A Promise Kept (can be found at Wookieehut, look at "Stories&Things" )

Author: Csillag

Timeperiod: a couple of months after "Starfighters of Adumar" (12/13 ABY)

Main characters: Wedge, Iella, the Wraiths

Rating: PG

Type: canon

Spoilers: for SoA

Summary: [Wedge keeps a promise he gave in SoA]

Length: long

Title: Hobbie's Saga (can be found at Wookieehut, look at "Stories&Things" )

Author: Csillag

Timeperiod: starting immediately after the evacuation of Hoth

Main characters: Hobbie, the Rogues, OCs

Rating: G

Type: canon



Length: long (6 parts)

FanFics 1-10 FanFics 11-20 FanFics 21-30 FanFics 31-40